Luckily, Tony Moly has its Super Peeling Liquid Shiny Foot masks on sale this week for 1+1 (2 for 8,800 KRW)!
So, I discovered these a few years ago. They are a lifesaver, or foot saver (?) and they really do work!
The original foot mask I was using was the Baby Foot brand (from Japan), but they are kind of expensive, albeit very effective. (I just priced them out at Olive Young on Tuesday - 16,000 KRW for one set!).
This is the outside packaging.
This is the contents of one package! Two plastic booties, a liquid for each foot, and then a packet of foot cream.
This is the instructions for use (click to enlarge)!
Tip 1: Make sure you put your feet in the booties correctly!
My friend put her feet in the booties incorrectly and thought that the Tony Moly brand didn't work! There are two layers in the booties - the outer layer is plastic and the inner layer is gauze-y cloth. Make sure you put your feet in the cloth part.
Tip 2: Make sure you don't really have anything to do with bare feet for like 10 days. The package says 4-6 days, but believe me, sometimes it takes extra time for all the skin to peel off! This can be tricky if you're living in Korea and sometimes your coworkers and you end up going to some lunch or dinner somewhere where you have to take off your shoes.
Tip 3: Use that foot cream + any other foot cream you usually use!
Tip 4: Don't peel it! I know it's tempting, but don't do it!
Pros: Tony Moly vs. Baby Foot
- Price: Tony Moly is half the price if you buy only one set and a quarter the price if you get it 1+1 (I've never paid full price for this product).
Cons: TonyMoly vs. Baby Foot
- Time spent: Tony Moly takes 1-1.5 hours to do the soak whereas Baby Foot takes 30 minutes
- Smell: Tony Moly is kind of a more chemically smell than the Baby Foot brand, which is lavender. I mean both are equally chemically, just that Baby Foot puts far more fragrance in their product!
For me, the price factor outweighs the smell and time spent. I usually use the time to do other things like a face mask, teeth whitening, and other relaxing activities. The smell doesn't really bother me very much after the initial pour, but you should try it for yourself.
Overall, no matter what you choose, your feet will be nice and soft!
I typically do the masks twice per year - once as winter becomes spring and a second when summer becomes fall :)
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